Welcome to McbInformatique
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important! Attention Blainville customers, we have moved to 1185 Boul. Cure-Labelle #4
important! To schedule the mailing of Apple product call us (450)-233-9593.
réparation mac et pc

Mac & PC repair. Click to learn more !

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réparation iphone

Smartphone repair. Click to learn more !

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réparation ipad

Tablet & iPad repair. Click to learn more !

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Years of experience




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Why Choose Us?

Apple certified

Nos techniciens sont certifiés annuellement pour toujours être au summum des exigences Apple.

Fast repair

We will get the job done within the set deadline. Our expert technicians are able to quickly identify and solve the problem.

laptop avec une lampe

Apple genuine parts

If parts need to be replaced to ensure your device's functioning, we only use genuine Apple parts


Blainville: 3 minutes away from Highway 15 exit 25

Need an Apple expert ?

Our Apple experts will take the time to repair your product so it is functioning at 100% by the time you come pick it up.